Clearly, we can deliver value to you.
Create an account for free and you will not miss out on any relevant tenders in our platform.
A digital tender process saves hours of time and increase security.
What are the most relevant questions when someone is buying your products?
Let us know and we add it to the tender process.
We understand it seems too good to be true. Why not try it out?
To create a free B2B Pricer account is an insurance to never miss out on any tenders in our platform.
Create a free account and choose the tenders you want to participate in.
Old process
- You don´t know when your potential customers are ready to buy
- You don’t get invited to tenders
- You have a manual tender process
B2B Pricer
- We let you know when customers are ready to buy
- We let you choose the tenders you want to participate in
- We digitize the tender process
It's painfully hard to find tenders, what if this process can be put on autopilot?
If you have 100 sales meetings, how many of those do result in a tender?
If you hit 10% of tenders acquired, you have a cost of finding a tender between 10 000 – 50 000 SEK.
Calculation is based on cost for a meeting between 1000 – 5000 SEK including cost for booking the meeting, travel and preparation.
Try our calculator and find out how much money you can save per tender.

Smart process that gives you full control
The platform monitors the entire tender process and makes sure that you get notified when there are any updates.
This is just a small portion of the functionality though, it’s best if you try it yourself!
The platform is super easy to use and you can instantly get started. In 5 minutes, you are all set up. If you feel unsure, contact us for a short demo – 15 minutes will be enough.
Never miss out on a tender. Sign up now!
We invite you to improve the tender process
This tool is not only about finding tenders, it’s also an opportunity for you to secure the quality of every tender. What questions are relevant within your industry? Send them to the platform and we can use them in the tender process to improve our knowledge, improve your experience and success rate, as well as advance the industry as a whole.