Frequently asked questions

Use of B2B Pricer
B2B Pricer is tailored towards indirect procurement but can be used for any kind of tenders and contracts. Just so you understand the versatility, If you wish B2B Pricer can even be used for buying small rocks.
B2B Pricer is also a tool to communicate and audit your suppliers with the sole purpose to find and maintain the best suppliers for your business.
What is indirect procurement
It’s the cost of purchases related to run your daily operations.
Typically goods and services not directly related to manufacturing a business product output.
Here are some examples:
- Office supplies, hardware, and equipment
- Travel expenses
- Marketing services (e.g. advertising, writers, agencies)
- Human resources (e.g. recruitment, onboarding, and training)
- Professional services (e.g. advisors and consultants)
- Outsourced services (e.g. IT and accounting)
- Software licenses (e.g. SaaS subscriptions)
- Capital expenditure
- Rent for facilities
- Utilities, maintenance, and repairs
Indirect spend stands typically for 15% to 30% total turnover. Nonetheless, its importance has increased significantly in recent years and in many cases indirect spend is neglected.
Who in the organization will benefit from using B2B Pricer?
The one who is buying the product or service will mainly use the software.
However everyone who is involved in the buying process will benefit as our software.
The finance department will increase cost control and the CEO will be happy as it effects the profits of the company. It will help the company to gain a money cautious culture.
How much money can B2B Pricer save my company yearly?
Savings are based on many parameters, the more important are turnover, how much you spend in indirect procurement, how old contract terms you have.
Try out our calculator and find out your savings potential.
here are some rough numbers:
If your company turnover is 100 million expect 1-9 million SEK in yearly savings.
If your company turnover is 10 million expect 100 000 – 900 000 SEK.
If your company turnover is 1 million expect 10 000 – 90 000 SEK.
How secure is B2B Pricer?
Security is important to us and for that reason we identify the users when they create accounts or sign contracts. In Sweden we use Mobile BankID.
Login is done using Auth0, servers are Azure and located in Europe.
Everything you do in the system is also time stamped, so you can tract who has done what and when. In B2b Pricer we have inbuild version of Docusign a software used by most of fortune 500 companies.
How can I onboard my suppliers?
Its super easy and it can be done in many ways. Either you have an integration to our ERP.
Here you can find available integrations. You can also use a CSV file or Excel to upload your suppliers. After that you upload the existing contracts. Here is a video explaining this process.
Can I still use my Excel and word files in a tender?
Yes you can upload documents to your tenders, as well as you can use questions that you upload into the system. The system offers flexibility so you can optimize your processes.
How can I sign my contracts?
In B2B Pricer we have an inbuild version of Docusign. You can use Mobile BankID to sign or just a normal signature. Both legal methods. Watch a 3 min video here.
How can I store my contracts?
It is super easy, after you sign you create a folder, and you press save. Watch a 3 min demo here.
How can I create an account?
It’s always free to create an account and its super easy. Either you type your organization number, and we will automatically fetch the company data or you fill in manually. You can choose to use API connection to integrate with your ERP. Check here if we have an integration in place.
We offer either a subscription model where you pay a monthly fee to use the system, or you can use our freemium version. When you use the freemium version suppliers needs to pay a leads fee to participate in your tender. Here you can read more about pricing.
Is it difficult to use B2B Pricer
We have put a lot of effort to create a system that is super easy to use. You can watch a 5 min demo video and then you are good to go, or you can book a 15 min live demo.
To watch video click here to book a demo click here.
Can I use multiple phases in a tender?
Yes we support phases. You can start with an NDA (non-disclosure agreement).
Continue with a first selection and later final selection. You can also choose that only the suppliers you want to move to the next round will see the questions. Watch a 3 min demo about phases here.
Can I compare different suppliers when receiving tenders?
Yes, you can have them side by side and score them, so you know which one meets your criteria the best. Watch a 3 min demo how to compare tenders.
Can I compare different suppliers when receiving tenders?
Yes, you can have them side by side and score them, so you know which one meets your criteria the best. Watch a 3 min demo how to compare tenders.
What are the main benefits using B2B Pricer compared to just using Word and Excel?
B2B Pricer will tell you when it’s time to challenge a contract.
To create a tender with B2B pricer is simple and fast and you will have a digital experience, everything is organized and timestamped and accessible everywhere at any time. No need to send emails. When you choose your suppliers, you can sign the contract and store the contract inside B2B Pricer. Watch a 5 min demo about main benefits.
Can I invite my suppliers to B2B Pricer?
Yes you can and that is also the purpose when you start using B2B Pricer the first thing is to onboard all your suppliers. Watch a 5 min demo about how to onboard suppliers.
I love using B2B Pricer, can I promote B2B Pricer to my friends?
Yes absolutely, join our affiliate program and find out how you can earn money promoting B2B Pricer.
I don’t know how to run a tender can my bookkeeper do it on behalf of me?
Yes, and we have built a special application to support it, its called the partner portal.
Ask you bookkeeper to contact us and we love to help you with this.
B2B Pricer for bookkeepers
We want to find cooperation with bookkeepers, you can help you clients to save more money than they pay for your services yearly. More information in our partner section.