it’s easy and profitable.
Get the process right,
it's about money and control.
There is a fundamental flaw – in many cases choosing a supplier is traditionally seen as a linear process with a clear start and end. We want to change it to a circular one, it’s the foundation of B2B Pricer.
Challenge your suppliers
and save money
When a supplier is contracted the contracts are archived and often forgotten and as long as the service works you are happy to over pay, there are no triggers monitoring changes. Technology and the market price changes rapidly and If you disregard to challenge your suppliers in continuity, how can you be sure that you are offered the best possible terms?
Old process
- You overpay your suppliers
- You lack control of your contracts
- You have extremely manual processes when you run tenders and handle your contracts
B2B Pricer
- We make sure that you don’t overpay your suppliers
- We give you full control of your contracts
- We give you digital process for both tenders and contract management
How we simplify your contract
management and tender process
Time is money
We guard your time and money and secure that tenders and contract management is done according to your companies best interest. We are totally partisan when it comes to which supplier you select as we are only the tool for the process not the advisor.
Be anonymous
In our platform you can start your tender process anonymously which gives you privacy and secures that you don’t receive any sales calls due to the tender. Only when you choose to start a conversation with a supplier that’s when you will reveal your company identity and your contact details.
Be smart and plan your tender process
B2B Pricers calendar allows you to pre-set the date when tenders are sent out. When you plan ahead you also give the suppliers the possibility to allocate time and resources to handle you tender.
Custom made templates increase quality of the tender
Custom made tender templates with industry specific questions produced in cooperation with suppliers helps you to ask and answer the right questions and give the suppliers the relevant information for accurate quotations.
By answering the industry specific questions the communication between you and your future suppliers is clear and both parties save time and the quality of the tender is improved.
Stay in total control
You will always stay updated. With instant notification you know when a document is opened, when a supplier sends you a quote or when you are asked to answer a question. The notifications work also prior to the contract being signed and gives you a notice when the contract is about to expire and allows you to make a simple benchmark whenever needed. This is a big part of creating a well working supplier lifecycle management.
Rate your suppliers and gain insights
We encourage you to rate your suppliers, by rating you help other companies in their quest for the right suppliers. It balances the decision making from not only focusing on the best price.
B2B Pricer is a secure platform
Security is one of our top priorities. When signing your contracts, you can use
Mobile BankID. Traceability is a key focus in our platform and everything you do in the platform is time stamped, so you know who has done what and when.
The suppliers also need to verify their accounts with Mobile BankID.
Simple onboarding of your suppliers
To get the full power of the system you should onboard your current suppliers as the first step.
This process has been automated and you can use a CSV file template to upload them in one go, or you can use our API if we have an integration built for your ERP or finance system.
We support multiple stages
The tender and contract management processes have been tailored to meet the most demanding enterprise customer, yet they are simple enough so everyone can use them without a hustle.
When using B2B Pricer you can set up different phases – let’s say that you want to start by getting an NDA signed, continue with a first selection and follow up with a final selection od potential suppliers.